Office Hours
The School office is open from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4.00 pm.
Parents delivering lunches should leave them at the office, not at the classroom.
Parents wishing to take children early from class for appointments or emergencies, are asked to sign their child out on the Vistab tablet at the office prior to collecting their child.
All visitors to the school must report to the office first.
It is essential that any child taking special medication for allergies or chronic medical conditions have medication clearly labelled. Medications are kept in the school office.
Please ensure that office staff are clearly aware of any special conditions or allergies, when you are enrolling your child at Puhinui School.
Home and School Communication
If you wish to discuss a child’s progress or have any queries about the school or programmes, please contact the school on 278-8703 and arrange to meet with the appropriate person. The first point of contact is always your child’s teacher.
A school newsletter is sent home on a fortnightly basis. This newsletter is designed to keep you informed about school wide activities, news and events. These can also be accessed on our school website.
Also from time to time, you may receive a newsletter from the syndicate leaders. These newsletters are designed to keep you informed about forthcoming activities.
Public Health Nurse
Regular visits are made by a public health nurse to check up on any minor health issues that children attending Puhinui School may have. If necessary, the Public Health Nurse will contact parents. This is a free onsite service.