Frequently Asked Questions
Lunch Orders
The school operates a lunch ordering scheme on Mondays and Fridays. Children who wish to order lunch, may do so in the auditorium before 8:45 a.m. and the lunches will be delivered to the child’s room at lunchtime. LUNCH PRICES AS AT 2 August 2021: Regular Mince Pie $2.00 Chicken and Gravy Pie $2.00 Potato Top Pie $2.00 Sausage Roll $2.00 Apple Pie $2.00 Juice Drink $2.00
Drop Off Zone
There is a designated school drop off zone accessible from the Grayson Avenue entrance. In the mornings parents stop in the drop off zone whilst their children disembark. This is a no parking zone. Please remain in your car, drop off your child and leave. After school, parents enter the parking bay and remain in their car, your child will meet you at your car, once your child has their safety belt on, parents leave.
Dental Hub
Puhinui Child and Adolescent Community Dental Clinic Puhinui School has a dental hub on site. Dental technicians are in attendance every weekday, however, their services are needed for other schools from time to time. Please ring to discuss your child’s dental needs on 278 1975.

School Calendar

Term Dates 2024
Term 1
Tuesday 30 January -
Friday 12 April
Term 2
Monday 29 April -
Friday 5 July
Term 3
Monday 22 July -
Friday 27 September
Term 4
Monday 14 October -
Friday 13 December